Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to School!

Yes... It's that time of year again! Everyone is back to school, and summer fun is fading away - except at Astoria! This is our busy time of year for pinup sessions and indeed our School Girl - is a popular one! Michelle was our first this 2009/2010 season but we've got a lot of other girls lined up! :)

Pinup photos, posters or calendars make a wonderful, unique holiday gift. To book your fall session call (403) 685-5590.

Looking forward to seeing you as a pinup!

Kathy & Ben

What a Classy Couple! I don't even know Kathy, but she looked absolutley Stunning on her wedding day last weekend! I was in LOVE with her dress - the lace kept sparkelling in the sun, but it was so subtle - simply beautiful! We did these pictures up at Spray Lakes - about 15 or 20 minutes out of Canmore, the road was winding and dusty for a bit - but well worth it!

Photographers Crash the Photobooth!

Niki and I just couldn't resist the photobooth at Christie's wedding reception! After a long day of shooting behind the camera, we thought this would be a perfect way for them to remember us - and our all of our camera gear! Congrats Christie & Dylan and thanks for the memories! :)

Rocky Mountain - Extreme Photography!

What a fun couple! Christy & Dylan's wedding made my summer! Their ceremony was at Norquay with a wonderful reception back in Banff. They were easy going, fun-loving and completely relaxed the whole day!
This was the first time I actually hung out of a moving vehicle - SnickerNiki was driving - in order to get the shot! I felt like one of those dogs hanging out the window of the car, on the highway, with their tongues and ears flapping in the wind! Anyhow, got some cool, different sort of wedding photos for those guys.

Carrie & Nathan

Helped out Snickerdoodle Photography a couple of weeks ago and had the opportunity to shoot a wedding at Quarry Lake again, in Canmore. The weather was perfect - too hot for some as we had one guest faint during the group shots! She was ok again after some water. Niki took took us to some very remote places for the wedding party photos. Locations included a secret cabin, the train bridge and of course, the reservoir near the Nordic Centre. Great group, and I loved the ring bearer and flower girl - super cute kids! All the best Carrie & Nathan!

Catalogue Corner - in our Garden

I don't mean to brag, but we have such an awesome garden! In the corner of our front yard there is a spot where the lighting is perfect, and absolutely every picture turns out awesome. So good, that I've started calling it Catalogue Corner! :) GJ was the latest client to take advantage of our surroundings. She needed some portraits in a hurry for a commercial website, so she stopped by on sunny afternoon. Being so beautiful, she was a breeze to photograph! Good luck with your new career Glori-Jeanne!

Mr. Kelley

What a pleasure it was to photography Mr. Kelley last month. He was a very distinguished, and cooperative client! We had a great evening out in his garden, smelled the flowers, chased a dragonfly, and his own reflection and even had time for some grooming inside. He's a wonderful cat! Just turned 14. All the best Kelley and wishing you many more lazy birthdays in the future!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Kitty Cat

Just in time for the show, I went through and "pinned up" a few more of my old(er) images. A complete candid shot - I'm sure miss Mel didn't know I would snap a shot while she was fixing her shoes. I absolutely love how natural and relaxed she looks. Funny, how many of my favorite pics are of the girls not looking directly at the camera. Natural beauty is the way to go! Hope your guy liked this October/Halloweeen picture in his Christmas calendar! :)

p.s. Caught any mice yet??

Calgary Tattoo & Arts Show - Just About Here!

Just a few more days and we'll be setting up our booth at the Calgary Tattoo and Arts show. Show is from, August 14th - 16th. Here's the front of my brochure... Come check us out!

Most Romantic Wedding

Trina and Sergio had their wedding at the Fairmont Banff Springs a few weeks ago. I completely loved it, but of course I'm partial as that's where Sacha and I were married exactly 3 years ago now! :) The Banff Springs had an inherent romanticism about it and you can't help but get teary eyed while witnessing a wedding there. They had booked the penthouse suite - a fantastic suite with a grand piano, multiple levels, fireplace, balcony overlooking the Bow River Valley - I could go on and on, but I think you need to see it to believe it. I'm secretly trying to think of a reason to book it for some occasion just to experience it. If you ever have a chance - check it out.
This picture is special to me, as Sacha and I have almost the exact same one for our wedding. Same spot, same pose. I love it!


John and Alicia are engaged! John is colleague of mine. We met at SAIT, graduated, and stayed in touch ever since. His sweet fiancee, Alicia has modeled for me as well as the whole Portrait class many times. I'm not sure anyone would have passed it without her! :)

It was super warm the day we went out for their pics. We had 3 locations in mind, my garden, the Skateboard park, and a city scape. All of them turned out wonderfully, with my new camera! I was a bit nervous as it was my first full day out with the new gear. John's a Canon junkie and got me set up and running smoothly in no time. Thanks John - and again Congrats on the engagement! :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Little Lady's First Stampede!

Yee Haw! It was so good to see little miss E last week! This was her first stampede and she came all the way from Ottawa to see it! Can't do stampede without a hat - so here it is! :)

Who's Who??

Who could resist getting a shot of this guy? He kept hanging around the front door of a friends house on a rainy, rainy day. Actually there was a fair bit of thunder and lightning going on not too long before this was taken. He was as curious about me as I about him. A good friendship - for the 2 minutes it lasted! :)

Wedding in Hangar??

A Bird? A Plane? A WWII aircraft museum?

Yes, to all of the above! The only request Fay & Asad had about their wedding portraits, was that they would be "different" and some in black and white. Well, this was super easy, as they left enough time for me (the photographer) to steal them away for almost 3 hours with the just two of them! A wedding photographers dream! :)

As their wedding was in March, and weather can be quite unpredictable in Calgary, I decided to rent an hour of time/space at the Aerospace Museum. The staff - and other visitors - were very accommodating and they allowed us to climb on almost everything and even sit in a couple of cockpits! Definitely something unique!

Family Day!

I got this cute family picture right around Family Day in February. The toddler had had about enough of me after the first half hour or so, stalking him and having a big black camera in front of my face, but we managed to come home with some really cute shots. Even got to see dad's race car!

Erica & Chris

Lake Louise was such an awesome place to have a wedding! The photo possibilities were endless! Thanks to Niki, we were prepared to do some amazing shots in the Fairmont, Chateau Lake Louise. Niki had scouted the week before and found some deserted hallways, couches and stained glass windows to take advantage of in our shots.

The weather was perfect for photos. It was bit cloudy, which makes for even soft light. Most of Erica and Chris' outdoor shots were taken at the Lake Louise Train Station, about a 5 minute drive from the Hotel - in town.
Adjusting the colour and arranging a few shots, make it look like a scene straight out of the 1920's! Not only did Erica look absolutely stunning - with her blue "Sex in the City" shoes, but Chris was a great model too. Very GQ! Again Congrats to you both and looking forward to presenting you your Graphi wedding album soon.

Jane's Dance

A few months ago now, a mutual friend told Jane about my talents a Pin Up photographer. When Jane called, I was surprised to learn that she wanted photos of her dancing! I almost called my good friend John to take over as he is familiar with sports photography, and shoots karate tournaments and combat sports all the time. He wasn't available so I got my courage up, packed my studio lights and off we went to face the new challenges of photographing creative movement.

The shoot was amazing! Jane and I were happy with almost all the images which would later be used in an editorial about Jane's specialty in interpretive dance.
Thanks Jane!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Poster Girl!

Yep, It's official, Christy is my newest poster girl, with 3 - yes - 3 posters going up at the Tattoo and Arts Show in August! Here are some images from our shoot this past weekend. Enjoy!

Thanks for doing such a wonderful job Christy!

Annie & Myron's Wedding

Below are a few pictures from Annie's Wedding. Fun (Clean) group! Clean, cause Niki and I showed up at the Brides place for the getting ready shots, and the place looked like a showhome! Way to go girls! You get my "Dutch Seal of Approval for Cleanliness!" :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Michelle & Cory - June 27th

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of shooting Michelle & Cory's wedding. It was a great day! The weather cooperated and John and I got some great shots.

There wasn't too much time scheduled between the ceremony and the reception, but we managed to squeeze in a couple of good locations on the same street as the reception.Locations include: a playground, a pub for the guys, an intersection by her dads house, the outside wall of a 7-11 and yes, a Sobey's Parking lot! Yep, a parking lot. It was great! :)

Thanks again Michelle for being a perfectly organized and happy bride - and again, Congratulations! :) P.S. Is Michelle a Drew Barrymore look-a-like??

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Maserati Time!

Seems like we have a lot of cool vehicles to take pictures of lately!Who would have guessed that my couple showing up for portraits last Friday would have shown up in a Maserati! What a nice surprise! Of course I couldn't let them leave without me grabbing a few shots. We got quite the reaction from the neighbours - again - and, even the cat peeled herself off the couch to come out and take a peek at this awesome car.

The interior is full leather, and RED!
The drivers seat is programmable and adjusts itself automatically by driver (I think it has programs for up to 3 people). I don't know how they get the courage to actually get out and drive it around the city. I know I would be completely nervous!

What a pleasure to see such a rare and exotic vehicle parked in front of my little house. - Thanks Hal!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mel's Bridal Shower!

So, not even a couple glasses of wine can keep me from the camera! Last weekend we held a bridal shower here at our place for my dear friend Melanie - who is getting married in less than 3 weeks!  We had a great time with the girls.  Activities included a sassy dance lesson, a treasure hunt, the usual fun games and my sweet husband convinced the neighbour to let us do a photoshoot with his old timer truck What a blast! Of course it fits right in with my favorite pin-up vintage theme and I came up with this... 

Monday, May 25, 2009


Hello Everyone & Welcome!

I'm going to do my best to keep this blog up-to-date! But if you know me, you know I have lots on the go, so this will be challenging, but I hope rewarding! :)

First Blog:

Niki and I had the pleasure of photographing one of the most beautiful weddings ever. That was Erica and Chris, with their closest family and friends in Lake Louise, AB. The weather was touch and go for a while. Driving up, we had some snow, or as Niki's Chris would say, "White Rain". for a while I wasn't sure if the whole day would be rain and snow but it turned out great! Cool, overcast with a touch of sun here and there, and if you know a bit about photography, you know clouds are our friends. The couple chose to do their portraits before the ceremony, so we started out at the Chateau Lake Louise, in the hotel itself. Being a 5 star Fairmont hotel, there were ample photo ops right there. I'm sure if it were up to us, we could have filled 5 hours right there, but we managed to drag ourselves away from the stained glass windows and comfy couches, to the train station just a few kms away. That's where this shot was taken. Loads of fun with a gorgeous bride and groom - what else could a photog ask for? :)